6 x 6
Oil on Gessoboard
I don't know if this ever happens to you...? With the intention to finish something before moving on, you get stuck, because you can't move beyond that thing that isn't finished.
For me it was setting my mind on finishing a blog post on the great workshop I took with Camille Przewodek before posting the next. But, since life happens, i.e: other art events, kids, remodeling, a girl's weekend, I can't find the book with my notes?!!....You know what I mean...It all gets in the way! So here I am, suddenly not blogging at all...?
Well, I say: Enough of that!
I do hope to get back to the workshop, but until then I'll quickly share the good news that I had a great time at my first Plein Air Quick-draw event ever in late May and I'll write more about it in a future post...lol. In the meantime I do want to get back to some daily painting and posting of my smaller work so...
This is a piece I finished of an old truck I saw last summer on Cape Cod. Not sure if it runs anymore? Along with some other vehicles it hung out at the small mechanic's shop on the way to Chatham, comfortably nestled in behind some branches with the sun's rays dancing on the hood. Life's pretty comfortable on the Cape.
Happy start to the summer everyone!