Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 23 - Gnome'ore doughnuts

Carol Marine Workshop - Day 4

This is the cute set-up for Carol's demo on day 4.   The two tomatoes add a nice compliment, and variety to the mostly cool colors of the grouping.    I didn't get a picture of the finished piece.  I must have been too engrossed in the demo....but here's one from half-way through, for now.
Some useful tips for the day:
CreateSpace is a good company for self-publishing.
Kemper tools/color shaper/clay shaper - great tools for erasing.
Carol uses the wedge for her signature and it's great to use for re-finding your drawing if needed.

We talked about color today and two different color wheels. 
 The regular one with 3 primary colors, and one that Carol feels is more intuitive - the Munsell Wheel.

I found the picture above on this blog and 

James Gurney has a nice blogpost on the Munsell system as well here.

The main difference being that the Munsell Wheels has 5 main spokes (see the 2nd sample) instead of the 3 spokes in the traditional color wheel so it offers some more options.

Looking online I found a few more color wheels and theories and it seems like there is a depth of study that can be done to get the most out of color...and add to the confusion...:-)

We did an exercise on colors and how they lean, and attempted to mix a perfectly neutral grey.

In the afternoon we painted our own set-up and I was struggling with getting started.   I finally started a painting with a doughnut from a local hot spot.   Beautiful blue frosting with pink sprinkles, how cool is that...but it didn't quite work out the way I had planned....sprinkles are a little difficult to paint in a "chunky brush strokes kind of style":-) and I didn't like the way I couldn't make it read well in planes so....on Friday I ended up replacing the doughnut with a pepper. - see below.

First Version

Second Version
Gnome'ore doughnuts
oil on gessoboard

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anette.. Thanks for the information on color wheels. I really like your 2nd version of the painting. Just beautiful brushstrokes.


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